Jun 1, 2008

CJF Youth Night Worship June 1, 2008

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Last June 1, Sunday night, was the third installment of the already successful CJF Youth Night Worship series that started out this year. It was a surprise to me that the church was already half-filled when I got there. So still having a hangover from the Hillsong Concert I gladly jumped into every note that the band played that night. The song line up was same as the first two Youth Night Worship with some additional song like Adonai and Mighty to Save to name a few. Lengthening the band's repoirtoire. It was Bro. Hamir who imparted a short but meaningful message to the young crowd, believe in yourself and believe that despite adversity that we experience nowadays, there is a God that will help you through it!

Personally, I want to send my appreciation to the members of the Music Ministry for continuing the efforts in sharing their talents to our church. I know most of these people and I can testify to you how dedicated they all are. Imagine this -- they are already playing for the regular four Sunday Service that's start at 7:00 am to 6:00 pm but they were still able to squeeze in some practice time for the concert even if they have day (and night for those who work in the call center) jobs and school. How many of you are willing to do that? So, kudos to all of you!!!

Keep the House of the Lord rocking!!!

Xtreme Joy

Starting off the praise and worship

Worshipping with a disco ball

Joel,vocals, guitar and musical director

Jenny, vocals


Walter, drums

Jimson, keyboard

Migz, guitar

Brian, bass

Jason, vocals, guitar

Bro. Hamir aka Sam Milby

Behind the scenes: Irish, video; Micah, OHP; Migz, Photo

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